The following policies/rules were made to ensure a positive, respectful, and safe environment for everyone.

Please read all policies prior to enrolling.  
Your enrollment is your agreement to adhering to ALL policies set forth by Sherry's Dance Workshop.  

Contacting Sherry:  the best way to communicate with me is e-mail: 
Class interruptions are not allowed unless it is an emergency. You can find answers to most questions on the website or the bulletin board in the waiting room. All communications (e-mails, statements, phone, etc.) will be in English.

Inclement Weather Closings: The studio will be closed if USD 253 cancels school due to snow or icy weather. Go to for the most up to date school closings. I will also alert you via text, e-mail, and phone.  

Studio Closings: The studio does NOT follow any school cancellations (holidays, in-service, etc.) Please see dates on the Important Dates page, on the studio website, for any scheduled studio closings. Last minute closings for bad weather or teacher illness: I will contact you via e-mail, text, and phone to let you know as soon as possible (please be sure you have your current phone/email information on file)

Sick Child Policy:  Please do not bring your child to dance, if your child has been running a fever or if they did not attend school because of illness. 

Supervision of Student at the studio:  all students 4th grade and under must be supervised by an adult while in the waiting room. Please walk in and remain with your child until they are called for class and promptly pick them up following their class. A $5.00 charge per incident will be added to accounts of students left unattended prior to or following their class.

Private & Semi Private Lessons (as the schedule permits) are available in all styles of dance for 12 years and up with at least 2 years dance experience in the style to want to do the private lessons. These lessons are for those students who are very serious about dancing and attendance to lessons is important. Those who miss more than 2 classes in a row (without notice) will give up their time slot to the person next on the waiting list. Private lessons are scheduled around regular dance class schedule and the advanced students get first choice of class day/time. Those taking private lessons have the option of doing a solo in the spring recital and the traditional Christmas show. Private lesson students are allowed only ONE private OR semi-private class (once the schedule is set and there are days/times available, then I will consider a student doing more than one). New Pointe students must continue with a Ballet group class through the first year of grade work and may perform after they have passed the first year pointe grade work. 

Private/Semi Private Attendance:
Attendance is of utmost importance to learn the dance and work on proper technique. I will no longer make up any classes missed/cancelled by the student nor will I allow switching of classes with other students. I WILL make up any classes cancelled for bad weather or if I cancel any classes.  
Partnering classes: mandatory 45 minute class time. We just do not get enough accomplished in 30 minutes!

Late to Classes: Students who arrive late to class will not be given extra time at the end of their allotted class time as I have other classes and must keep on schedule. Time lost for arriving late will not be made up.

Semi-Private Classes: If one student cancels/misses a class, the class WILL be held and the attending student will get a 15 min. private lesson to review any grade work /choreography/ technique training. Please notify the other student if you will be missing a class so they are aware ahead of time that they will be getting 1/2 class time.

Age/Grade Levels:  September 1st the the age cut off for grade levels. Your child will remain in their age/grade level class for the entire year (August - May).

Account Registration for New Students:
Registration is done online and on a first come first serve basis. Your first months dance fees are due upon registration. When enrolling, in August, please wait until you receive your statement to make your payment, so you are paying the correct amount for prorated August fees and Recital fees.  

Fall Class Enrollment: for the 2024/2025 season: 
NEW STUDENT ONLINE enrollment starts JULY 29th – Aug. 10th. The system will NOT allow you to enroll prior to this date! Enrollment for group classes is first come first serve.  

CURRENT STUDENTS: Your child has been pre-enrolled into classes based on last spring enrollment. You must contact me via E-mail if you wish to add or drop a class. Any changes need to be made July 15th - July 27th. 

Please check the attached Fall Schedule or on the studio website, or your parent portal for your child’s class day/time, as some of the class days have changed!

All private/semi-private classes are scheduled through me so you will need to contact me via email to set your day/time (ages 12 up only – if you are under 12 and have been taking private lessons, you may continue).  

Dance Fees:
Online Payment Info:
All online payments MUST be done through the Parent Portal. 

Making payments online through the parent portal: please note that the memo section is for your reference only. You cannot place orders or send a message to me by filling in the memo section as it does not flag me to let me know that there is a message. I am totally unaware of what is in the memo section unless I go into your parent portal and look for it!

Payment of dance fees guarantee a place in class for your child for the month. Your first months payment is due upon registration and on the first day of each month thereafter. Your account will be considered late as of the close of business on the the 5th day of each month. A late charge of $10.00 will be added, to any remaining balance on your account, at 9:00 p.m. on the 5th day of each month. Fees are due on or before this date, even if the studio is closed prior to and including the 5th or your child is absent prior to and including the 5th. Neither the fees nor late charges will be waived because a student misses a class.

Those accounts past due upon the 10th day of the month, the student will not be allowed to participate in class, until the account is paid in full, unless prior arrangements have been made with me. If your account balance is under $10, you may pay the balance with your next month fees.

Recital Fees 
A recital fee will be charged to your account, per student participating in a show, and is due the first month of a new session (January, June, August). This fee covers the cost of backdrops, stage props, special lighting equipment/effects, auditorium rental, technician wages, and babysitting costs for back stage. There is no charge at the door for recital. Recital Fee is $60.00 per student per show. This fee is Non refundable. 

Dance Fee Accounts prior to a show:
All accounts MUST be PAID IN FULL by the 10th of the month prior to RECITAL. Those with past due accounts, your child will NOT be allowed to participate in recital. NO EXCEPTIONS. Any accounts with balances due will be turned over for legal collection the first business day following recital and all court costs incurred will be charged to your account. Your child will not be allowed to register for future classes until the account is paid in full.

Attire: Proper attire and shoes MUST be worn to class. Please see the studio website (Proper Attire) for more information and how to order from my online dancewear store. The Instructor must see the body to help you in your dancing. Proper body alignment is very important.

You are not obligated to participate in shows.

Costumes-Cost of costumes runs around $60.00 - $90.00 each. You will receive your costume bill in: November for the Spring Show, and July for the Christmas Show. All orders must be pre-paid (The specific due date will be on your costume statement.) There are NO refunds on costumes once the order is placed (costume companies policy not mine). Late orders: full shipping and handling costs, per costume, will be added to your account. Late orders are not guaranteed to arrive by picture date or show date and Sherry's Dance Workshop will not be held accountable. 

Parents are responsible for measuring and choosing the size of costume they would like to order. Any exchange MUST be within 10 days of receipt of costume. All shipping and restocking/exchange fees, per costume, must be paid prior to exchange. More information is on the studio website (Costumes).

Rules and Policies while at the stage:
These policies will be enforced at all performance venues.

* Children are NOT allowed on the stage prior to show or
        during intermission.
* You may video tape at the back or side isles on the MAIN
        floor of the auditorium, no exceptions. No flash
        photography or video camera lights.  
* Selling copies of videos of any show is strictly prohibited and
        will be grounds for immediate dismissal from Sherry's
        Dance Workshop.
* Students are to be supervised by an adult at all times and
        remain seated during the show.
* Standing in and climbing over the auditorium chairs is NOT
        allowed. Let's all be safe!
* Parents are to remain in the auditorium during dress
        rehearsal and show.
* Saving of seats is prohibited, except for special request for
        handicapped. Only a staff member of the venue we are 
        at is allowed to use tape on the auditorium chairs.
* ALL students are to remain in the auditorium, prior to starting
        dress rehearsal, until called to go backstage, NO
* Cell phones are strictly prohibited backstage.
* ALL students participating in a show MUST attend dress
* NO extra headpieces other than what came with the costume
         is allowed. No jewelry or nail polish to be worn.
         Costumes are not to be altered in any way, unless
         approved by me. (Example: cutting jazz pants or shorts
         to be "low rise" style, or adding "jewels" to the fronts of
* Any negative actions/comments when asked to adhere to
         these policies will result in your child being dismissed
         from the show. 

Grievances: any slanderous remarks about Sherry's Dance Workshop, its employees, students, and parents on any type of social media, at the studio, or performance venues will be grounds for immediate dismissal from Sherry's Dance Workshop. No refunds of any monies paid. No exceptions. Any grievances are to be directed to Sherry via email or written document.

Enrolling your child is agreement to adhere to ALL policies for the duration of being at Sherry's Dance Workshop.
Studio Policies