Mark your Calendar:
March 17 – 21, 2025: Studio Closed for Spring Break.
April 11, 2025: Recital T-shirt order deadline. An order form will be posted on the wall in the waiting room. I will only take orders from this sign up sheet. Please do not email or text your order. All orders are pre-pay.
May 3, 2025: Picture Day. The schedule is posted on the website and waiting room bulletin board.
May 10, 2025: All accounts to be paid in full to participate in the show.
May 23, 2025: Dress Rehearsal (mandatory) for those in 2nd half of show. Arrive dressed
and ready by 6:00 p.m., Granada Theatre
May 24, 2025: Dress Rehearsal (mandatory) for those in 1st half of show. Arrive dressed
and ready by 12:30 p.m., Granada Theatre
May 24, 2025: Spring Recital “Blast from the Past” 40th Anniversary, Emporia Granada Theatre.
Show starts at 7:00 p.m.
The studio does NOT follow the school schedule except for Labor Day, Christmas Break, and Spring Break.
Visit the studio website often to stay up to date on studio happenings! Most important pages of the website: Important Dates and Class Schedule. Here you will find important dates, info on pictures, tights, costume pictures, music to practice with, etc.
Dance Fees: Monthly statements are sent via separate e-mail. Please let me know ASAP if you do not receive your statement.
Your March fees cover classes held: 3/3 – 4/4
Dance Fees are due by the close of the business on the 5th of each month. A late fee of $10.00 is added to all past due accounts. Accounts past due as of the 10th day of the month: your child will not be allowed to participate in class until the account is paid in full unless PRIOR arrangements have been made with me.
Sick Child Policy: If your child or a family member is running a fever or sick, please keep your dancer at home.